The Edge Gateway device reboots repeatedly.
Edge Gateway is equipped with fail-safe feather for the mobile communication function, storage function, and schedule function. This feature is intended to operate your Edge Gateway device continuously by resetting or restarting it in case a failure or malfunction occurs on it.
- If an error (e.g. line connection error) related to the communication module occurs, you can reset the communication module and connect to the line again by using the mobile communication function. In that case, the number of resets will be counted.
- If the reconnection is performed successfully within the number of resets you set, the numbers of resets and reboots will be reset.
- If you try to reset the communication model repeatedly and the number of resets reaches the maximum number of retries, the number of resets will be reset, the number of reboots will be counted, and the Edge Gateway device will be rebooted.
- If you try to reboot the Edge Gateway device more than the number of reboots you set, the number of reboots that you perform after that will be counted, but the reboot operation will stop. However, if the number of reboots exceeds 255, it will return to 0.
For setting the numbers of retries and reboots, refer to "CLIユーザーズマニュアル - 5.7 モバイル回線を設定する". (Japanese)
To stop rebooting the Edge Gateway repeatedly, temporarily disable the fail-safe feature of mobile communications with the following command, or modify the mobile communication settings that are causing the connection error. However, if you disable the fail-safe feature of mobile communications, be careful that you may not be able to connect the Edge Gateway to the Internet until the connection error is modified and that you may need to modify the error at the site where the Edge Gateway has been installed.
amnimo(cfg)# mobile peer (Mobile setting name)
amnimo(cfg-mp-xxxxx)# no failsafe
amnimo(cfg-mp-xxxxx)# exit
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