How do I configure additional storage devices for Edge Gateway?
Target devices
- AG10/20
To use additionally installed storage devices on Edge Gateway, the following needs to be performed:
*For models with an SSD, to record video data from Nx Witness to the SSD, you will need to configure the storage settings.
The simplest and most common settings are explained here.
Table of contents
Setting with the CLI
For more details on how to log in to Edge Gateway with the CLI, optional items used for configuring storages devices, etc., refer to the "CLI User's Manual".
Creating a partition
For models with an SSD, sda refers to SSD. If adding a USB storage device, etc. to your PC later, it will be sdb. (If an SSD does not exist, an external USB storage device added later will be sda.)
Start amsh.
admin@amnimo:~$ amsh
amnimo$ -
Shift to administrator mode.
amnimo$ enable
password: ←Enter the password, and press the [ Enter ] key.
amnimo# - With the following command, create a partition. If there are existing storage devices, press the [ Tab ] key to display candidates.
Setting example (Partition name: sda, Partition number: 1)
amnimo# device storage partition sda 1
- Execute the following command to check the storage status.
amnimo# show device storage partition
# ---- sda ----
- 468851544 MBR
1 468850520 linux(0x83)
Formatting the partition
With the following command, format the partition. (ext4 is recommended)
Setting example (Partition name: sda, File format: ext4)
amnimo# device storage format sda type ext4
Mounting the partition
- It is necessary to mount the partition in configuration mode. ("/media/Partition name" is recommended as the mount point.)
Setting example (Partition to be mounted: sda1, Mount point: /media/sda1)
amnimo# configure
amnimo(cfg)# storage mount sda1 /media/sda1 -
Execute the following command to check the mount status of the partition.
amnimo# show device storage mount
Partition Type MountPoint
sda1 ext4 /media/sda1
Saving the configuration file
Save the configuration file so that the settings will be reflected to Edge Gateway even if it is restarted.
amnimo(cfg)# config file save
Setting with the GUI
For the meanings of the settings configured and more detailed settings, refer to the "GUI ユーザーズマニュアル".
Creating a partition
- On the side menu, click [ Operation Information ] ‐ [ Storage ].
- Select the device, partition number, partition type, and size. (If you omit setting the size, the maximum value of the storage device will be used.)
Formatting the partition
- On the screen displayed by selecting [ Operation Information ] ‐ [ Storage ], click [ … ] displayed to the right of the partition you want to format, and select [ Detail ] from the displayed operation menu.
- Click [ Format ].
- The [ Format ] screen will be displayed. Select the file format type, and click the [ Confirm ] button.
- The confirmation window will be displayed. Click [ Execute ].
Mounting the partition
- On the screen displayed by selecting [ Operation Information ] ‐ [ Storage ], click [ … ] displayed to the right of the partition, and select [ Mount ] from the displayed operation menu.
- Specify the mount point, select the file system and mount option, and click [ Confirm ].
- The confirmation window will be displayed. Click [ Execute ].
Saving the configuration file
On the [ Configuration file ] screen, click [ Save the current settin to the device ]. After the confirmation window is displayed, click [ Save ] to save the configuration file.
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