PPP over Ethernet
PPPoE is a connection method that applies PPP connection to Ethernet (networks used in offices and ordinary households).
When connecting to the Internet, the authentication function of PPP is used. (You will be required your username and password to establish a connection.)
What is PPP?
Point-to-Point Protocol
This is a protocol used for accessing to the Internet via a dial-up connection that uses a telephone line.
PPPoE connection is supported in the AG/AR series as well.
Setting example
amnimo(cfg)# ppp peer amnimo ← Specify the PPP setting name.
amnimo(cfg-pp-amnimo)# username user ← User name
amnimo(cfg-pp-amnimo)# password pass ← Password
amnimo(cfg-pp-amnimo)# connect always ← Connection method
amnimo(cfg-pp-amnimo)# exit
amnimo(cfg)# interface ppp0 ← Set the PPP interface.
amnimo(cfg-interface-ppp0)# pppoe4 amnimo ← Specify the PPP setting name used for PPPoE connection.
amnimo(cfg-interface-ppp0)# enable ← Enable the interface.
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